New ISIS video shows executions of six spies
ISIS has released a new video depicting the executions of six alleged ‘spies’ in the terrorist group’s besieged ‘stronghold’ Falluhjah, in Iraq’s Anbar Governate.
The men are all accused of leaking information to the Iraqi government, which has been advancing on ISIS in the area in recent months.
One of the men, a hospital worker accused of leaking information on injured ISIS fighters is decapitated using explosive wire tied around his neck.
The video names the man as Mohamed Mahmoud Dayih, claiming that he had used his position as a clerk at the Fallujah General Hospital to send information to the Iraqi Interior ministry.
ISIS accuse him of handing over information on the medical staff working for ISIS at the hospital, taking pictures of them and giving information on dead and wounded ISIS fighters.
The video shows him kneeling on the ground while ISIS terrorists tie a blue wire around his neck, evidently packed with explosives.
Seconds later, the camera pans out to show the moment the bomb-rope is detonated, decapitating the man.
The second execution shown is that of two policemen, allegedly arrested by ISIS as they tried to leave Fallujah to pass on information about ISIS fighters to the Iraqi Army.
The men are seen kneeling next to each other wearing orange jumpsuits, before they are shot in the back of the head.
Two others, accused of similar ‘apostate’ crimes by the terrorist organisation are murdered in the same manner in front of the camera.
The sixth victim is named as Sam Faisal Sowaidan, reportedly also a Fallujah policeman who had allegedly been ‘spying’ on ISIS for the Iraqi Interior Ministry.
ISIS accuse him of handing over ‘Mujahideen names and places of residence’, and execute him by cutting his head off with a knife before displaying his blooded remains.
ISIS is currently fighting an offensive by the Iraqi Army in Anbar Governate, backed up by Coalition airstrikes, with Fallujah being the terrorist group’s last stronghold in the state.
Source: Daily Mail