Victor known as, comrade Jose leads the group, Shining Path, together with his brother Jorge.
Jose has participated in Shining Path terrorist operations since the 1980s, when he admitted to taking part in the April 1983 massacre of 69 men, women and children in Lucanamarca, Peru.
His ultimate goal is to overthrow the government of Peru, and he calls the U.S. the principal enemy.
Victor is the current leader of the Sendero remnants based in the VRAE (Valley of the Apurímac and Ene rivers), and oversees all of its illicit activities. These activities include extortion, murder, and drug trafficking. The drug trafficking activities of this faction of Sendero include taxes/extortion payments charged to local drug traffickers in exchange for security of cocaine labs and cocaine shipments made throughout the VRAE.
Currently Sendero owns several coca plots and cocaine base laboratories in the VRAE. This faction is also notorious for engaging in well-coordinated and extremely violent attacks against against Peruvian National Police and Peruvian military personnel.
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