ISIS terrorists heading to Afghanistan from Syria and Iraq to plot attacks
The ISIS terrorists are heading to Afghanistan from Iraq and Syria after the collapse of the self-proclaimed caliphate in the Middle East, it has been reported.
A U.S. official has told AFP that ISIS terrorists are heading to Afghanistan to continue their jihad and plot ‘spectacular’ attacks against the United States.
A senior U.S. intelligence official in Kabul has told AFP “We know some have already made their way back here and are trying to transfer the knowledge, skills and experience they learned over there.”
The official speaking on the condition of anonymity has further added that “If we don’t continue counterterrorism pressure against (IS in Afghanistan), there will be an attack in our homeland — and a spectacular attack — probably within the year.”
This comes as both Afghan and U.S. forces are busy conduct regular operations and airstrikes against the terror group in Nangarhar, Kunar, and other restive provinces in which the group has a presence.
The latest UN report suggest that the terror group has between 2,500 and 4,000 fighters in Afghanistan, according to AFP.
The group claimed responsibility for a coordinated attack on Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology in Kabul city which left at least ten people dead and several others wounded.
Source: Khaama