ISIS terrorists attack a village in Mosul
ISIS gangs carried out bomb attacks in Mosul yesterday and also attacked the Xirbe Hemed. 3 villagers from Xirbe Hemed lost their lives in the attack.
ISIS gangs have been attacking the villages of Kirkuk, Diyala and Ambar in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan, and have increased attacks in Mosul since yesterday. The gangs carried out two attacks in Mosul yesterday and attacked the Xirbe Hemed village 2 km from the city at 23:00 last night.
Former Iraqi MP Abdulrahman Liwezi spoke about the attack and said ISIS members attacked the Xirbe Hemed village in Nineveh (Mosul) at 23:00 last night.
Abdulrahman Liwezi said civilians Musena Cemil Yasin, Sair Umer Selim ve Merii Selim Merii lost their lives in the attack.
An administrator from the Nineveh Council also announced that ISIS had detonated an explosive laden pick-up truck near the Abu Layla Restaurant, killing 5 persons and wounding 9 others.
Source: ANF