Eight Islamic State terrorists arrested while the Iraqi forces are searching for 12 others in Mosul
Eight members of the Islamic State group were arrested Tuesday in a security campaign in Mosul city, the latest in a series of arrests against the IS dormant cells in the country, a security official was quoted as saying.
“Security forces received information that 20 Islamic State militants had sneaked into al-Zanjily district in western Mosul to carry out terrorist attacks against residents there,” Major Khalil Ibrahim told IKH News on Tuesday.
“Immediately, the troops launched a security campaign in search of the IS terrorists, managing to arrest eight of them,” Ibrahim said, adding that 12 other terrorists managed to escape into an unknown location.
According to Ibrahim, “among the arrestees are IS leaders of Arab and Turkish origins.” He added that a manhunt was launched in search of the other IS terrorists.
Moreover, a security source pointed out that an army force found four tunnels containing light weapons, ammunition, and cell phones in the area between Rabia city and the Syrian territories (135 km northwest of Mosul).
Iraqi authorities regularly announce the capture of Islamic State extremists in different parts in the country since the collapse of the group’s territorial influence in the country last year.
Source: Iraqi News