ISIS terrorist group occupies two villages of Kirkuk
ISIS gangs have increased their attacks in Iraq following Turkey’s launch of invasion attacks against Afrin and southern Kurdistan. ISIS gangs have captured two villages in Kirkuk yesterday evening. According to local sources, the gangs entered the villages of Hefteğar and Ava Fexro located in between Dahuk and Tuz Khurmatu.
ISIS members made announcements from mosque minarets, saying that those supporting them can stay and others should leave. Local sources report that people have evacuated both villages following the announcement and that ISIS has settled in these villages.
ISIS gangs have gone into action around Kirkuk, Diyala, Mosul, Hawija and Tal Afar with the Turkish state’s war of aggression on Afrin. ISIS gangs have carried out dozens of attacks so far, killing a number of Iraqi soldiers, federal police, Hashd al-Shaabi members and civilians.
Source: ANF