Hamas is a terrorist movement same as the Islamic State

Hamas is a terrorist movement same as the Islamic State

“Hamas is a terrorist movement. Hamas is the ISIS of Palestine. Therefore we must get rid of this terrorist group, which controls the Gaza Strip,” Muhaisan concluded.

During a TV interview on Palestinian Authority TV, Fatah Central Committee Member Jamal Muhaisen declared that Hamas is a “terrorist movement” and that “even if it were to rehabilitate the people who were imprisoned or had their arms or legs broken, it would return to its old ways within a matter of months.”

Muhaisan made the declaration as Hamas faces domestic protests by local Gazans who are rising up against the worsening humanitarian conditions in the blockaded enclave, claiming that the terrorist-designated organization squanders millions of dollars on terror instead of allocating its resources for the needs of the local population.

“Hamas is a terrorist movement. Hamas is the ISIS of Palestine. Therefore we must get rid of this terrorist group, which controls the Gaza Strip,” Muhaisan concluded.

Hamas said in January that attempts by its rivals in Fatah to form a new Palestinian Authority government will deepen the crisis between the two parties and deal a severe blow to efforts to end divisions among the Palestinians.

Since said time relations have been rockier than normal, causing strife and a back and forth of backlash from one Palestinian organization to the next, calling out the other time and time again.

Source: JP