Asian football club awarded grant of £4,500 to help stop teenagers drifting into ISIS-style extremism
An Asian football club in Sheffield which works to prevent children and teenagers from drifting into extremism has been awarded a grant of £4,500.
The Aden Steelers club has been awarded the community grant by Dr Alan Billings, the police and crime commissioner for South Yorkshrie.
The club encourages young people in north-east Sheffield to take part in sports activities that divert them away from getting involved in anti-social behaviour or crime, including crime. It is also set up dedicated sessions to “face down the pressures that might come upon them to become involved in extremism.”
The first event on extremism was held on Friday, December 29 at Al Rahman Mosque and was reportedly attended by more than 100 people.
Dr Billings said: “What Aden Steelers are doing here is confronting a serious issue head on. Whilst coaching football to the local community, they are also engaging with young people who are at possible risk of being caught up in anti-social behaviour or crime, including extremism.
“Young people are potentially open to being influenced. Aden Steelers are using football as a way of engaging with young people, giving them good advice and putting before them good role models, people in their own community who they will listen to.
“I wish the football club the best of luck in the league this season and look forward to visiting them.”
Saleh Alnoud, Aden Steelers Chairman said: ”We have not only given these young people the opportunity to realise their footballing potential but we have also identified issues affecting these young people and tackled them head on and in a way which suits their specific needs and expectations.
Source: Talk Radio