Iraqi jet targeted by the terrorists during military operations in western Mosul
An Iraqi jet was targeted on Saturday while striking Islamic State locations in west of Mosul, the War Media Cell has reported.
“While Iraqi army were backing the paramilitary troops during military operations in Tal al-Banat village, one of the jets was targeted,” the WMC said through its media service.
“The courageous pilot showed high capabilities while fulfilling his duty and was able to make safe landing,” the statement added.
Earlier on Saturday, the paramilitary troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) freed five villages in Qairawan region, a main Islamic State bastion that links between Tal Afar town in the east and Baaj and Syrian borders in the west. links between Tal Afar town and the Syrian borders.
The Iraqi troops liberated Hawi al-Kanisah and al-Haramat al-Thalitha districts and gained control on the southern and western banks of Tigris River in west of Mosul. On Friday, the forces retaken Islah al-Zeraee district.
The eastern side of Mosul was recaptured in January following three months of battles. Another offensive was launched in February to recapture the western flank of the city.
Iraqi commanders predict recapturing the remaining parts of the city this month
Source: Iraqi News