Taliban minister openly vows of harboring Al Qaeda
Joe Biden’s disastrous retreat from Afghanistan and handing the country into notorious grips of Taliban mullahs have further complicated the entire situation, whereas Taliban minister has openly vowed of harboring Al Qaeda and abuse women. Under such scenarios what Biden administration would do? Provide another US$1 billion in “humanitarian aid” to convince the Taliban mullahs to become moderates just like Turkey, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda? Or Biden administration would continue sending billions of dollars as they currently are doing in Ukraine thus giving fresher opportunities to Taliban and their jihadist cronies in ultimately emerging as massive monsters?
According to a recent report published by MEMRI, Taliban minister of Higher Education Neda Mohammad Nadeem said:
There comes some suspicion in one’s heart about why the Islamic Emirate is doing this. It does not reopen schools, does not allow co-education for women, has imposed so many hijab restrictions, does not allow women in government departments…Why does it not allow women into ministries unless they cover their head and face? And why don’t you see the national interest?
[The answer is that] we are all Muslims. To us, Allah’s religion is the most important thing. Had the Islamic Emirate considered the development and civilization of people as their real aim, then there would have been no need for war to begin with. [We could have] handed Osama [Bin Laden] over to them, and given women freedom like they demand now. The [governmental] system was already there – why was it necessary to [sacrifice] hundreds of thousands of martyrs?
[But] Allah’s religion does not allow us to accept what those infidels want. The hijab is commanded by Allah’s book. ‘O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believers’ women to veil themselves.’ This is commanded by Allah’s book.
Now, the infidels ask us not to declare the hijab mandatory for women and to accept this. If we accept their demands, Allah’s book says [to implement] hijab, while the infidels say [to not do so]. We have an obligation. We are Muslims and we claim [to establish] an Islamic system. We are obligated to force women to wear the hijab.
If they impose sanctions on us, drop a nuclear [bomb] on us, start a war against us again, or have any other plan, we are still compelled to implement the commandments of our religion. In this regard, we cannot help anyone, nor can we accept anyone’s demands or worry that it will create problems for us.
Does this statement ring bell in the minds of Joe Biden and his cronies?
The Taliban (when they weren’t being prepped by radical Islamic and jihad-patron Qatar) were fairly clear about their beliefs. They played the Taqiya (deception) game of negotiating a worthless peace deal that no one with a gram of common sense seriously believed they would keep to allow America and Europe to withdraw and save some face.
Except the Taliban broke the deal, as they were bound to, to humiliate the West and allow them to claim victory.
Now the Taliban have gone back to doing what they were going to do all along while benefiting from massive amounts of US foreign aid.
And whatever happens in Afghanistan to the women there, Neda Mohammad Nadeem is pretty clear that the Taliban gave Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda a base of operations there because it was required by Islamic law. As we recently saw, the Taliban have continued to harbor Al Qaeda. That has obvious implications for the US, the West and rest of the world.
Source: weeklyblitz