ISIS suicide bomber target Taliban funeral leaving at least 20 dead
A suicide bomber targeted a funeral of a Taliban group leader in northern Sari Pul province of Afghanistan leaving at least 20 militants dead or wounded.
A spokesman for the 209th Shaheen Corps of the Afghan military in the North Mohammad Hanif Rezaye said the incident took place this afternoon in Sayad district.
Rezaye further added that a number of Taliban militants had participated in the funeral ceremony of a Taliban leader Shir Mohammad Ghazanfar when a ISIS suicide bomber detonated his explosives.
He said the Taliban leader was killed during the clashes with the ISIS militants on Monday and one of his brothers was also killed in today’s attack.
According to Rezayee, at least fifteen militants were killed in the attack and at least three others have sustaiend injuries.
However, a spokesman for the provincial government said at least fifteen militants were killed and at least five others were wounded in the attack.
In the meantime, Rezaye said the death toll from the attack could further rise as he was citing preliminary information received from the incident site.
Source: khaama