Hamas terrorist group encouraging new wave of attacks and attempted to set territories on fire
As Israeli security forces pursue the perpetrator of the drive-by shooting at the Tapuach Junction near Ariel in the West Bank on Sunday...
As Israeli security forces pursue the perpetrator of the drive-by shooting at the Tapuach Junction near Ariel in the West Bank on Sunday...
Afghan security forces fought back a major Taliban offensive in southern Helmand province in the last 24 hours, officials and residents said...
Security forces launched a series of security operations in multiple territories to curb the increasing night attack of ISIS. A source told Shafaq News Agency...
Iran is becoming the new headquarters to host international terrorist groups. Buried in the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) annual worldwide threat...
In a hidden corner of Hamid Karzai International Airport, half a dozen military officers sat at their desks, staring glassily at monitors showing high-resolution video...
The Pentagon is preparing for possible Taliban attacks on U.S. and coalition forces as they withdraw from Afghanistan, a prospect that complicates...
EU security analysts said ISIS could commit attacks during Ramadan and more throughout the summer. The EU’s Institute for Security Studies...
Even as the United States military prepares to advance towards withdrawing its remaining troops from Afghanistan, more than 20 Pakistan-based terror groups...
They bring drinking water to residents in the arid scrublands, teach farming workshops and offer medical checkups. They mediate land disputes, fine cattle rustlers...
The United States is positioning more firepower in the Middle East and South Asia to provide cover for U.S. troops as they prepare to leave...
The rocket salvo that hit the Israeli communities adjacent to the Israel-Gaza border over the weekend was a harsh reminder that despite the flow of...
On Friday and Saturday in the Gaza Strip, terrorist groups launched some 40 rockets into Israel...