Imams in Germany seen as key in combating radicalization
Imam training is in the spotlight of this year's German Islam Conference. In light of recent terror attacks, Germany's interior minister said a new training...
Imam training is in the spotlight of this year's German Islam Conference. In light of recent terror attacks, Germany's interior minister said a new training...
An 11-year-old school pupil in Germany threatened to behead his teacher in a chilling echo of last month's terror attack in France - a week...
The Interior Ministry of Montenegro said that 31 Montenegrin citizens had left the country to fight in foreign wars in Syria and Ukraine since 2012....
Central Asia was long a digital backwater. Over the past decade, however, the region’s five republics—Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan—underwent a rapid digital transformation....
Cells affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) have been carrying out assassinations against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Deir ez-Zor, in eastern Syria....
The Covid-19 lockdown, and uncertainty over post-Brexit security cooperation, have together raised the risk of terror attacks in 2021, a senior security expert has warned....
Several key EU leaders, including France and Germany, promised at a mini-summit on Tuesday (10 November) to renew efforts to fight Islamist terrorism, calling for...
The Afghan forces have thwarted two car bomb attacks planned by the Taliban*, the Maiwand 215th Corps said in a Tuesday statement. One attack was...
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan criticized Western countries for allowing foreign terrorist fighters to freely carry out activities and accused the European Union of “strategic blindness”...
The extremist terrorist group, Al-Qaeda who is earlier responsible for various military attacks including the 1998 attack on the United States (US), September 11 attacks,...
EU governments are being urged to step up the fight against Islamist terrorism by widening authorities’ access to encrypted online communication and sanctioning migrants who...
Investigators in several Austrian regions carried out raids early Monday on people and organizations suspected of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas groups, prosecutors said....