Four Kosovo citizens joined ISIS in the month of September
Four Kosovo citizens are suspected to have joined ISIS. Amir Vuniqi, Egzon Iseni, Rron Emini and Irfan Haiqi, have allegedly fled Kosovo in early September,...
Four Kosovo citizens are suspected to have joined ISIS. Amir Vuniqi, Egzon Iseni, Rron Emini and Irfan Haiqi, have allegedly fled Kosovo in early September,...
Turkish security forces have prevented a Daesh terrorist attack in the mausoleum of the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and the building...
The manual, printed in Arabic and called 'Zad al-Mujahed' ('Fruits for the work of God's Warriors') was published in Istanbul, with its publishers making no...
An Afghan radical allegedly planning a terrorist attack in Paris was today found living rough in the city. Traffic police working in the 18th arrondissement...
A spate of deadly attacks across Europe over the past two years have left many citizens living in fear. In 2014, four people were killed...
It is general knowledge in Lebanon that Hezbollah took over several of the country's entryways (airport and seaports), as well as controls the Lebanese Customs....
The possibility of a nuclear-armed ISIS may not be as far-off as many experts suggest, a Harvard researcher has warned. In a recent report for...
An ISIS militant has beheaded three prisoners in an extremely graphic ISIS video purportedly filmed in Iraq. The harrowing footage shows the bearded ISIS fighter,...
Brussels has been put into security lockdown after Belgian intelligence received 'precise information' of a planned Paris-style ISIS attack in the capital. Belgium's prime minister...
ISIS have released a new propaganda video showing Belgian jihadis in Iraq celebrating the Brussels' attacks and declaring it Belgium's 9/11. The shocking footage, which...
A Turkish ISIS recruit carried out the suicide bombing that killed four foreigners on a major shopping artery in Istanbul, it has been revealed. Mehmet...
ISIS has released a new video depicting the executions of six alleged 'spies' in the terrorist group's besieged 'stronghold' Falluhjah, in Iraq's Anbar Governate. The...