Several people detained on suspicion of ties with ISIS in the time of searches in Germany
Several people have been detained on suspicion of ties with a terror group "Islamic State" in Syrian in the time of searches in Germany, reports...
Several people have been detained on suspicion of ties with a terror group "Islamic State" in Syrian in the time of searches in Germany, reports...
U.S. Africa Command is investigating a series of posts by a Twitter user claiming to have footage from the October ambush in Niger that killed...
The masked members of the Special Operations Commando (SEK) toted machine guns whose stocks they used to smash in the windows of the estate car...
A schoolboy said he wanted to kill the Queen after being brainwashed with Islamic State videos at a Barking mosque. In video evidence, the 11-year-old...
Thirteen ISIS suspects, including two with international arrest warrants, were arrested by police soon after crossing into Turkey from a YPG-controlled region in Syria.
A new report suggests that the Eiffel Tower may have been among the targets of the Islamic State cell that attacked Barcelona. The protective wall...
When Emilie Konig left her home in France to join the Islamic State, she left her two children behind. The former barmaid, who converted to...
At least 33 people have been killed and scores more wounded in a double car bomb attack in Benghazi, Libya. No group has yet claimed...
A truck carrying nearly 34,000 litres of chemicals has been stolen in Belgium sparking a police hunt. The trailer was taken from a transport firm...
Four gunmen have stormed the Save the Children office in Jalalabad, killing at least two people and wounding 14, in an attack claimed by Islamic...
According to security sources, counter-terror and intelligence units of Şanlıurfa Police launched an operation upon receiving intelligence that a group of ISIS terrori
The North Caucasus District Military Court has sentenced Abdurakhim Mukhidinov, a Tajik national living in Rostov-on-Don, to 10 years in prison for an attempt to...