Dr. Daud Abdullah
Daud A. Abdullah is a former (2003-2006) Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain (under MAB). He is the director of Middle East...
Daud A. Abdullah is a former (2003-2006) Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain (under MAB). He is the director of Middle East...
The CFSOT was set up by its current Chairman Dr Kamal al-Helbawy. Daud Abdullah is a trustee of the Centre for the Study of Terrorism.
Kamal al-Helbawy is lifelong member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a former member of its Guidance Bureau. He became a founding member of the Brotherhood’s...
Finsbury Park Mosque aka The North London Central Mosque (NLCM), est. April 2010, liquidity of 180,800 GBP and worth 1.5 million GBP. In the 1990s...
In March 2008, David Cameron delivered a speech in which he exposed the Cordoba Foundation as a front for the Brotherhood with close connections to...
World Media Services Ltd, est. 1993, provides communication services. Its net assets is 1000 GBP. Mohamed Ghamen, a 67-year-old British citizen is a director of...
Dr. Essam El-Haddad is a UK trained physician and long-time Muslim Brotherhood member who was appointed to the Guidance Bureau in February 2012, later becoming...
El-Rawi is one of the leaders of the FIOE, an umbrella group of organizations with ties to the MB. Rawi himself confirmed the ties. "We...
According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism: “through a pan-European organization called the Europe Trust, Kuwait is tying Dutch and other European Muslims directly into...
Ibrahim Munir was referred to in the past by the Egyptian Brotherhood as an Executive Bureau member of the Brotherhood’s International Organization while an Egyptian...
Since April 2014, Abo Youssef is board member with joint signature in Swiss Renewables AG (established 2008) – a joint stock company dealing with acquisition...
Enrollment in: Euro-Swiss Foundation – Board of Trustees; Islamic Society in Ticino Canton – Board of Directors; Fondation d’Oeuvres a Rayonnement Socioculturelles – Member of...