ISIS-Khurasan beheads 10 Taliban fighters in Afghanistan
Terrorists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group's offshoot in Afghanistan, ISIS Khurasan, have beheaded 10 Taliban fighters in the
Terrorists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group's offshoot in Afghanistan, ISIS Khurasan, have beheaded 10 Taliban fighters in the
Since its establishment in the mid-2000s, Al-Furqan, alias Al-Turaz Trust, has provided funding and other support to terrorist organizations such as al-Qaida, the Taliban, and...
Al Rashid Trust had been raising funds for the Taliban since 1999. The Al Rashid Trust is a group that funded al Qaida and the...
The problem Trump will have with Afghanistan regards sending more troops, what kind of troops they are, and whether they have a combat or Special...
The Taliban said one of its fighters who infiltrated the ranks of the Afghan National Army was responsible for killing US troops yesterday who were...
Under Shaykh Aminullah’s leadership, the Ganj Madrassa has trained and harbored Taliban fighters who have subsequently been dispatched to Afghanistan.
As of 2016, Abu Turab was a Jama'at ul Dawa al-Qu'ran (JDQ) facilitator, working to provide thousands of dollars to Pakistan-based JDQ leadership, including Inayat...
He has served as a commander for LET in Afghanistan, and as of 2013, Haji Hayatullah oversaw the training of LET operatives. He also provided...
Welfare and Development Organization of Jamaat-ud-Dawah for Qur'an and Sunnah (WDO), known as, Welfare and Development Org, was designated for being controlled by Inayat ur...
In July 2012, along with Shaykh Aminullah, Abdul Aziz Nuristani, and other militants, Inayat came to an agreement with al-Qa'ida and LET members to provide...
Aminullah is the head of the Ganj Madrassa, which was designated for being controlled by him and for providing financial and material support to the...
Arif known as, Muhammad Arif Qasmani, is the chief coordinator for Lashkar-e Tayyiba's (LET) dealings with outside organizations and has provided significant support for LET...