

Noun Wal Kalam

Adham Hussein Tabaja is listed as a shareholder in Noun Wal Kalam;

Ghazi Nasr al Din

Ghazi Nasr Al-Din is a Lebanese Venezuelan who served as charge d'affaires of the Venezuelan Embassy in Damascus, Syria and is accused of assisting Hezbollah.


Mohamed Moustafa Kalash

Mohamed Moustafa Kalash is listed as a shareholder in two of the OFAC sanctioned companies: United General Holding SAL, United General Offshore SAL


United General Offshore SAL

United General Offshore SAL was one of several subsidiaries held by United General Holding. It was incorporated in Lebanon and also operated in Iraq.


United General Holding

Hussein Attia is a senior manager at United General Holding, which served as a holding company for numerous businesses owned or controlled by Ahmad Abdallah.