

Oriental Dynasty

Firas Ahmad obfuscated his ultimate beneficial ownership of Mega Gems through a front company, Oriental Dynasty Limited, directed by his wife, Rim Nasser, who acted...


Rim Nasser

Acted as a nominee shareholder in Oriental Dynasty Limited


Thula Uzwe Trading

Firas Ahmad assist in sanctions evasion schemes on behalf of their father and Hezbollah through Thula Uzwe Trading


Mega Gems

Firas Ahmad assist in sanctions evasion schemes on behalf of their father and Hezbollah through Mega Gems

GFATF LLL Imad Abdul Reda Bakri 3

Imad Abdul Reda Bakri

Imad Abdul Reda Bakri is a Hezbollah financier and Weapon smuggler. He is a major shareholder in vast number of businesses worldwide. Through some of...

GFATF LLL Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub

Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub

On June 25, 1996, members of Saudi Hezbollah detonated a tanker truck containing plastic explosives in the parking lot of the Khobar Towers, a residential...

GFATF LLL Ibrahim Suleiman Hussein Mohamad

Ibrahim Suleiman Hussein Mohamad

He was the one who brought the detonators to Argentina from Brazil for the attacks in Buenos Aires at the Israeli embassy in 1992