Syrian women risk execution as they use hidden camera to film life in Raqqa under ISIS
This dramatic footage shows how two Syrian women risked their lives using a hidden camera to film life in Raqqa under the brutal rule of ISIS extremists.
Video taken inside the terror group’s Syrian stronghold shows armed guards patrolling deserted streets and landmark buildings reduced to rubble after years of civil war.
The women describe gruesome public executions with extremists shooting their victims, decapitating them and putting their heads on sticks and leaving their bodies in the road to be run over.
In one scene, video shows how the faces of female models used to advertise hair products have been scribbled out with black marker pens by shopkeepers terrified of their hard line ISIS rulers.
One of the women in the video, which was commissioned by CNN’s Swedish affiliate Expressen TV, told how ‘everyone’s left’ the city and foreign ISIS fighters are stealing ID cards from Syrians in an attempt to flee to Turkey.
Describing one of the many executions carried out by ISIS fanatics, another woman in the film, who calls herself Oum Mohammad, reportedly said: ‘I could see there was a man sitting on the ground. The executioners were lined up, they were dressed in black.
‘They execute with bullets, desecrate the body, decapitate it, stick the head on a spike and put it on display at the roundabout or they will put the body on the road and force cars to run it over until nothing is left.’
Video shows how ISIS have turned the city’s Armenian Catholic Church of the Martyrs into their police headquarters.
Further footage shows the Uwais al-Qarni temple reduced to rubble.
Oum Mohammad, whose voice is disguised in the video said how she longs to ‘take off the niqab and the darkness that cloaks us’.
She added: ‘All women like to show their faces. We’ve lost that option. We’ve lost our femininity.’
The video emerged as Russia revealed it was ready to coordinate its actions with the US-led coalition in Syria to push ISIS out of Raqqa.
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov saidl: ‘We are ready to coordinate our actions with the Americans, because Raqqa is in the eastern part of Syria, and the American coalition is mainly … acting there.
‘Perhaps, this is no secret, if I say that at some stage the Americans suggested performing a “division of labour”: the Russian Air Forces should concentrate on the liberation of Palmyra, and the American coalition with Russian support will focus on the liberation of Raqqa,’
Source: Daily Mail