Swedish town votes to turn away returning ISIS terrorists

Swedish town votes to turn away returning ISIS terrorists

The leader of the Social Democrats in the municipality described the motion as signalpolitik (literally ‘signal politics’, a usually derogatory term referring to politics or policies that have little practical impact but are intended to show a certain ideological standpoint).

“I don’t know what he means by ‘signal politics’,” Moderate Party mayor Christian Sonesson told state broadcaster Sveriges Radio on Thursday, the day after the council’s board voted through the proposal. “But if by this he means that this is a signal to lawmakers that something needs to change, then I welcome it.”

Since ditching his Liberal and Centre Party allies and going into coalition with the populist Sweden Democrats, Sonesson has repeatedly brought his municipality national media attention with its anti-immigration policies.

In their joint political programme released in November, the two parties pledged to ban the serving of halal meet in local schools and old people’s homes, even though none in the municipality did so anyway. They also pledged to ban gender-segregated bathing at the local swimming pool, which had no plans to offer any.

Magnus Ranstorp, one of Sweden’s leading terror experts, has dismissed the new measure on returning jihadis as meaningless.

“There have never been any Isis terrorists from Staffanstorp and therefore there are hardly likely to be any returning either,” he told the local Lund Lokaltidningen newspaper. “[This is a] smart PR coup which will probably trick some ignorant people.”

Source: The Local