Suicide bomber aged 13-year-old kills five at Afghan wedding

Suicide bomber aged 13-year-old kills five at Afghan wedding

A 13-year-old suicide bomber blew himself up at a wedding in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, killing five people and injuring 11 others.

Police official Fayz Mohammad Babarkhil said the child blew himself up early Friday at a wedding organized by Malik Toor, a commander of a pro-government militia. Toor died in the attack, and officials said he was the likely target of the bomber.

The attack took place in Pachirwa Agham district of Nangarhar province.

Pro-government militias often work with overstretched Afghan security forces to prevent territories falling into the hands of the Taleban and Daesh fighters.

Last month, Taleban militants killed at least 26 members of a pro-government militia in northern Afghanistan.

No group has claimed responsibility for the wedding party attack but Daesh militants have carried a string of suicide bombings and attacks on government offices, schools, and aid groups in recent years in Jalalabad, Nangarhar’s main city.

Source: Khaleej Times