Sudesh Mamoor Faraz Amman
Born: December 1999;
Place of Birth: Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom;
Gender: Male;
Nationality: British;
General Info:
Sudesh Mamoor Faraz Amman was the terrorist who was strapped with a fake bomb and stabbed two people on a busy London street before being shot and killed by police. Investigators said that a third person also suffered injuries.
Amman was sentenced in 2018 to three years and four months of imprisonment for disseminating terrorist material, and collecting information that could be useful to a terrorist.
Terror Activities:
He pleaded guilty to all charges in front of Judge Mark Lucraft QC. These charges were: six counts of “possessing/collecting a record of information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism,” and seven counts of “dissemination of a terrorist publication.” At the time, he received a jail sentence of three years and four months. It is believed that he was released about halfway through his sentence.
The North West London College student shared bomb making schematics via Skype and an entry of a seized notebook allegedly outlined his “goal” to die as a martyr, a court heard at the time.
The head of the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command said Amman had a “fierce interest in violence and martyrdom” and that “his fascination with dying in the name of terrorism” was clear in a notepad recovered at his home. At the time of the Streatham incident, he had recently been released from prison. During his 2018 trial, the prosecution stated Amman “had discussed with his family, friends and girlfriend his strong and often extreme views on jihad, the kuffar, and his desire to carry out a terrorist attack”.
Following his release in January 2020, Amman was “under active counter-terrorism surveillance”. The attacker was “considered to pose a serious risk, and was well known to the counter-terror authorities, he was also the subject of a live investigation”.
Amman developed a fascination with knives, and tried to recruit his younger brothers aged 11 to 15 to his warped ideology.
He took photos of them in their bedroom with a black flag of Islamic State, an air gun and giving the Islamic State one-fingered salute. In one message he told them ‘radicalising is not wasting time’ and shared an Al Qaeda magazine in a family WhatsApp group. Amman also said to his girlfriend, that she should kill her unbelieving parents.
He told his 15-year-old brother that ‘Islamic State still exists’ and that it ‘can never die’.
After the Dutch blogger reported him, police arrested Amman in May 2018 and discovered a cache of vile propaganda on his computer and phone. He had sent his 13-year-old brother photos of child fighters and boasted of the ‘rewards’ of jihad.
He told his brother Yazidi women – a group IS committed genocide against in Iraq – were slaves and that the Koran made it permissible to rape them.
In a discussion about school with his 15-year-old brother, Amman said he would ‘rather blow myself up’ and wanted to ‘know how to make bombs’.
He had manuals showing how to kill people, including one called Bloody Brazilian Knife-Fighting Techniques, and an image of prisoners being burned alive by the Islamic State.
Police found a notebook in which he set out his goals, which were: ‘1. Die as a shuhada (martyr); 2. Go to Jannah (paradise); 3. Have fun with all my hoor al-ayn (women); and 4. Party with my brothers and my mother in Jannah.’