Somalia: Intense Clashes Erupt Between Al-Shabaab and Daesh in Eastern Puntland

Somalia: Intense Clashes Erupt Between Al-Shabaab and Daesh in Eastern Puntland

In a recent turn of events, heavy fighting broke out between the militant groups Al-Shabaab and Daesh in the Galgala mountains, located in the eastern region of Puntland.

The battle, which lasted for several hours, was marked by the use of various types of weapons, the sounds of which could be heard from far and wide.

Both Al-Shabaab and Daesh suffered significant losses in terms of casualties and injuries. However, the exact number of fatalities and wounded remains unclear due to the ongoing conflict and the difficulty in obtaining accurate information from the region.

The Galgala mountains are of strategic importance to both groups, as they provide a stronghold from which to launch attacks and a base for their operations. The ongoing conflict between these two factions has added another layer of complexity to the already volatile situation in the region.

Both Al-Shabaab and Daesh are at odds with the Puntland administration, which has so far been unable to dislodge them from the Galgala mountains. The administration’s efforts to end the presence of these groups in the area have been met with resistance, leading to a prolonged and tense situation.

The recent clashes have only served to heighten tensions in the eastern region of Puntland, with reports of increased movements and activities from both sides. The situation remains highly volatile, with the potential for further violence and instability in the area.

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