Russian Supreme Court upholds sentence for terrorist propaganda in prison
The Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a 3-year sentence given to Andrey Shterkel for justifying terrorism and propaganda of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization prohibited in Russia in a prison where he was serving sentence as part of another case, RAPSI reported from the courtroom.
The court dismissed an appeal filed by Shterkel seeking to vacate the sentence because of absence of a criminal act and lack of evidence.
According to prosecutors, the prisoner serving his sentence for another crime showed videos about ISIS on his cell phone to other inmates and justified its ideology.
The Islamic State, an organization which is prohibited in Russia, is currently one of the major threats to global security. Over three years, these terrorists have managed to seize large areas of Iraq and Syria. Currently, various forces combat the organization in both countries with battle for Iraqi Mosul as one of the most crucial directions.
Source: Rapsinews