ISIS attacks YPG security centre west of Raqqa, killing 3 Kurdish security forces
At least three Kurdish fighters of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) were killed and several others were wounded in an attack by Islamic State’s (ISIS) militants west of Raqqa, in northeastern Syria, military sources said on Thursday.
“Daesh terrorists attacked one of our security offices in the Suwaydiya village west of Raqqa,” the YPG leadership said in a statement, using another acronym for ISIS.
“Three of our fighters lost their lives in the offensive,” it said. The fighters were identified as Ferhad Haji (aka Brusk Kobani), Ahmed Hisen (aka Mazlum Kobani), and Bozan Mihemed (aka Zinar Kobani). The three fighters were from the Kurdish city of Kobane participating in the battle for Raqqa.
The same attack caused the injury of at least five YPG fighters.
“ISIS used mortar shells and heavy machine guns during the offensive, that was aimed at impeding the progress made by the US-backed forces towards Raqqa city,” YPG officer Habun Osman told ARA News.
Source: /Aranews