Security forces thwart Hamas terror plot directed from Turkey

Security forces thwart Hamas terror plot directed from Turkey

Security forces have successfully foiled a significant terror plot orchestrated by Hamas operatives in Turkey and involving students from Birzeit University in the West Bank. The operation, a collaborative effort by the Shin Bet security agency, IDF, and a specialized police unit, led to the arrest of several suspects and the seizure of weapons and funds earmarked for the attack.

The cell, operating under the banner of “Kutla Islamiya,” was in the advanced stages of planning a major attack when it was uncovered. Intelligence gathered by the Shin Bet indicates that the suspects were acting on directives from Hamas leadership in Turkey, with the ultimate goal of establishing a foothold for Hamas operations against Israeli targets.

The Shin Bet’s investigation revealed that the cell members were actively preparing to execute a significant attack and were involved in a complex network of Hamas fund transfers to operatives in the field. These activities were reportedly coordinated by high-ranking Hamas officials based in Turkey.

At the center of the plot was a resident of a village in the Benjamin region, who is suspected of leading the cell. This individual allegedly recruited a military unit of activists from Birzeit University in Ramallah. The investigation uncovered that the suspected leader utilized connections with another activist, a student from Ramallah studying at Al-Quds University, to establish communication channels with the Hamas command in Turkey. These connections were reportedly used to secure funding for weapons acquisition and to facilitate the planned attack.

As the investigation unfolded, all cell members involved in the attack planning were swiftly arrested by Israeli police. The security operation also led to the surrender of an M16 rifle and the confiscation of tens of thousands of dollars, which had been funneled from the Hamas command in Turkey to finance the plot.

The evidence collected during the investigation has been handed over to the military prosecution for review and potential indictment.

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