LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Salman Raouf Salman

Terror organization: Hezbollah;

Status: Leader in Unit 910, Western Hemisphere;

Role: Had a major role in planning, coordinating and execution of many terror attacks against Americans and Israelis worldwide. Has a major roll in the terror attacks in Argentina in the 90’s;

Location: Unknown;

Born: 05 June 1963; alt. 1965;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Colombia; alt. Lebanon;

National ID No.: 84.049.097 (Colombia);

Passport: AD 059541 (Colombia); alt. AC 128856 (Colombia);

Address: Lebanon;

Known also as: Salman Al-Reda; Samwil Salman Al-Rida; Samuel Salman El-Reda; Salman Remal; Salman Raof Salman; Salman Rauf Salman; Andree Marquez.


Salman has a long history of leadership and operational planning within Hizballah, having served as one of the most prominent operatives behind the Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) bombing, the 1994 attack on the community center for the largest Jewish community in South America, which killed 85 innocent people and wounded hundreds more.

In the aftermath of the AMIA bombing, Argentine security officials determined that Salman had been in contact with the designated Assad Barakat leading up to the attack, and that Salman was the coordinator of Hizballah sleeper cells in Buenos Aires and the Tri-Border Area of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.

Salman had provided all necessary support to perpetrate the terrorist attack against the AMIA building, coordinating the activities of the Hizballah attack squad in Buenos Aires, and maintaining communication with Hizballah leaders in Lebanon and the operations logistics command center in the Tri-Border Area.

Since his role in the AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, Salman has risen through the ranks of Hizballah. He fled the region after the bombing, and in the years that followed, served as a member of the Hizballah’s External Security Organization (ESO), with particular focus on Southeast Asia and South America in the 1990s, including a flurry of operational missions in 1997 with three visits to Panama, two to Colombia, and one to Brazil.

More recently, Salman was identified as the Hizballah operative who served as the handler for the designated Mohammed Hamdar, who was arrested by Peruvian counterterrorism police in October 2014 for planning a terrorist operation in Peru.

At the time of his arrest, police raided his home and found traces of explosives, detonators, and other flammable substances, and a search of the garbage outside his home found chemicals used to manufacture explosives.

Hamdar’s targets included places associated with Israelis and the Jewish community in Peru, as well as areas popular with Israeli backpackers, the Israeli embassy in Lima, and Jewish community institutions. Following Hamdar’s arrest, he identified Salman as his Hizballah handler.

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