LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF - LLL - Safiyya Shaikh

Safiyya Shaikh


Born: 1984;

Place of Birth: Middlesex, United Kingdom;

Gender: Female;

Nationality: British;

General Info:
Safiyya Shaikh, born Michelle Ramsden Hayes, is a British woman supporting the Islamic State terrorist organisation. Shaikh admitted she planned to blow herself up in an attack on St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

Shaikh also went on trips to gather information about planting bombs at St Paul’s and a hotel. She also admitted to preparing the attacks and disseminating terrorist publications.

She reportedly pledged allegiance to the Islamic State between August and October last year, in addition to spreading extremist propaganda on a Telegram group chat around the same time. Ms Shaik was arrested in October 2019 after said she planned to ask two undercover officer posing as an extremist couple to supply bombs to carry out the terrorist act.

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