Islamic State group in Sinai claims responsibility for the rockets fired on southern Israel
The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the two rockets launched from Egypt’s restive Sinai Peninsula which landed in southern Israel’s Eshkol Regional Council Sunday night, marking the first time in months that such an incident occurred.
“While dodging Jewish aircraft flying over the Wilaya, the Mujahideen fired 2 Grad rockets at the Jewish Council (Eshkol) alhamdulila,” the IS affiliate in Sinai wrote in the claim on their Amaq news agency website while claiming several other deadly attacks against the Egyptian military in the turbulent province.
The Islamic State group affiliate was previously known as the al-Qaida linked Ansar Beit al Maqdis until it pledged allegiance to IS in November 2014. While the jihadist group does not consider Israel their principal target, and incidents along the Israel-Egypt border are rare, there have been several attacks, some deadly.
Source: JPost