LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Rami Baker

Terror organization: Hezbollah;

Status: This network facilitated the payment, shipment, and delivery of cash, diamonds, precious gems, art, and luxury goods for the benefit of Hizballah financier and Specially Designated Global Terrorist Nazem Said Ahmad, who was designated on December 13, 2019, for providing material support to Hizballah;

Role: Rami Baker, Nazem Said Ahmad’s brother-in-law, is a close friend and business associate who served as a proxy for Nazem Said Ahmad in many companies in Lebanon and Angola;

Location: Lebanon;

Known also as: BAKER, Rami Yaacoub; BAKER, Rami Kamel Yaacoub (Arabic: رامي كامل يعقوب باقر); BAKER, Ramy Kamel Yaacoub; RAMI, Yaacoub Baker;

Address: Eden Gardens Building, Floor 3A-3B, Mina El Hosn-Zeytoune Street, Beirut, Lebanon; 38 El Kawthar, Adnan Al Hakim Street, 7th Floor, Jnah, Beirut, Lebanon; DOB 29 May 1968; POB Beirut, Lebanon;

POB: Antwerp, Lebanon

Nationality: Lebanon;

Passport: EN992200 (Belgium) expires 20 Dec 2022; EH970706 (Belgium);

Rami Baker, Nazem Said Ahmad’s brother-in-law, is a close friend and business associate who served as a proxy for Nazem Said Ahmad in many companies in Lebanon and Angola. On behalf of Nazem Said Ahmad, Rami Baker is the proxy owner of United Investment Group SAL, a Beirut-based real estate company that develops luxury real estate projects. Rami Baker is also the trustee for the 76 Benmore Gardens Trust that manages the expansive property portfolio owned by the Ahmad family in the Johannesburg area, including the home inhabited by Firas Ahmad, Rim Nasser, and their family. Rami Baker also owns a Romania-based company, Collecting Bee SRL.

Firas Ahmad is designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, Nazem Said Ahmad

This network facilitated the payment, shipment, and delivery of cash, diamonds, precious gems, art, and luxury goods for the benefit of Hizballah financier and Specially Designated Global Terrorist Nazem Said Ahmad, who was designated on December 13, 2019, for providing material support to Hizballah

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