ISIS preacher is burned alive as punishment for accidentally suggesting that ISIS leader al-Baghdadi has died
An ISIS preacher and leader has allegedly been executed by the militants after he accidentally suggested that the group’s leader had died.
Senior ISIS leader and preacher, Abu Qutaiba was burned to death in the group’s stronghold town of Tal Afar, according to a source quoted on Alsumaria News, an independent Iraqi satellite TV network.
He had been arrested over charges of ‘stirring sedition’ through a Friday prayer sermon in which he inadvertently suggested the group’s runaway leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had possibly died during an emotional sermon, Iraqi News reports.
The group had previously ordered a punishment of 50 lashes for anyone who mentioned Baghdadi’s survival or otherwise, a source told the local TV network.
The source said that the move came to avert a possible escalation of simmering leadership conflicts within the group.
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has not been seen since declaring the creation of the Islamic State in July 2014
An ISIS preacher and leader has allegedly been executed by the militants after he accidentally suggested that the group’s leader had died.
Senior ISIS leader and preacher, Abu Qutaiba was burned to death in the group’s stronghold town of Tal Afar, according to a source quoted on Alsumaria News, an independent Iraqi satellite TV network.
He had been arrested over charges of ‘stirring sedition’ through a Friday prayer sermon in which he inadvertently suggested the group’s runaway leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had possibly died during an emotional sermon, Iraqi News reports.
The group had previously ordered a punishment of 50 lashes for anyone who mentioned Baghdadi’s survival or otherwise, a source told the local TV network.
The source said that the move came to avert a possible escalation of simmering leadership conflicts within the group.
Baghdadi’s last appearance was in a video clip showing him making the sermon proclaiming the establishment of an Islamist ‘caliphate’ in the Old City’s Grand Nuri Mosque in June 2014, and never showed up again, Iraqi News reports.
Rumours that the Islamic State leader had died appeared to have heightened after Abu Qutaiba began crying at the mention of Al-Baghdadi’s name.
Abu Qutaiba, an aide to Al-Baghdadi, broke down in tears during a Friday sermon and ‘mumbled a few words suggesting his death’, according to reports.
In a separate speech at the same location, another preacher, Abu Baraa al-Mawseli, is said to have admitted defeat for ISIS in its struggle to defend Mosul from the Iraqi army.
The account of the sermons, reported by Iraqi News, come from a source speaking to Alsumaria News from Nineveh.
Following a description of Qutaiba crying, the source added: ‘He mumbled a few words afterwards that suggested Baghdadi’s death.’
Source: Daily Mail