Hamas publishes photos of IDF tags snatched from Israeli soldier

Hamas publishes photos of IDF tags snatched from Israeli soldier

The armed wing of Hamas, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, published on Tuesday a dog tag it claimed its members snatched from an IDF soldier during the 2014 Operation Protective Edge with Israel.

The group did not provide further details about the dog tag, which carried the name of the Givati Brigade.

“We won’t talk much about this tag; the command of the enemy’s army knows well who this tag belongs to,” the group said.

The publication of the dog tag came on the ninth anniversary of the abduction of IDF soldier Hadar Goldin during the operation. The al-Qassam Brigades said Goldin was “captured” on the 26th day of the war in the southern Gaza Strip.

IDF St.-Sgt. Oron Shaul’s body was also kidnapped in a separate attack during the 2014 operation. Hamas is also holding Israeli civilians Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed captive in Gaza.

The incident in which Goldin was kidnapped, according to the Hamas armed wing, took place at dawn on August 1, 2014. “The enemy forces, taking advantage of talk about a supposed humanitarian ceasefire, penetrated at night more than two kilometers east of Rafah (in the southern Gaza Strip), where they were ambushed by our fighters,” it added.

A Hamas terrorist who took part in the ambush on the Givati soldiers told the Palestine Now news agency on Tuesday that as the soldiers neared the ambush, Hamas terrorist Walid Masoud jumped from the top of a structure onto the signal officer of the Givati soldiers and killed him in order to cut off contact between the soldiers and their commanders.

The al-Qassam Brigades terrorist added that the group of Hamas terrorists had waited in hiding for days before the ambush. The terrorist did not address the kidnapping of Goldin.

Hamas also re-published photos it claims show Goldin’s Tavor rifle on Tuesday. The photos were first published by the terrorist movement in December.

At the time of the release of the photos in December, the leader of the Hamas movement in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, stated during a ceremony that Hamas has been holding “secret negotiations” with Israel concerning the captives its holding in Gaza.

The terrorist movement is demanding the release of all prisoners rearrested after being released in the Shalit deal and all female, minor, sick and elderly prisoners, as well any bodies being held by Israel, according to Sinwar.

“We will give the occupation a limited time to complete this deal, otherwise we will close the file of the four soldiers forever, and we will find another way to liberate our prisoners, God willing,” said Sinwar at the time. Mengistu and al-Sayed are both civilians, but Hamas refers to them as soldiers.
Goldin family continues campaign for the return of the captives

Last month, Goldin’s family protested against government representatives at a memorial ceremony for Operation Protective Edge, with Goldin’s mother, Leah, stating she would immolate herself if that’s what it would take to bring her son’s body home.

“[Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, [Benny] Gantz, [Defense Minister Yoav] Gallant, [IDF Chief of Staff] Herzi [Halevi], what do you want? Do you want me to immolate myself? No problem. I’ll immolate myself like Itzik Saidan. That’s what opened your eyes to deal with wounded veterans, so it’s about time that you open your eyes to deal with the captives and their families. I have no problem immolating myself, I just need to choose the right time and place. Is that the only way you’ll understand? Is this your language? It doesn’t scare me,” said Leah Goldin ahead of the ceremony.

As Netanyahu left the ceremony, Ayelet Goldin, Hadar’s sister, shouted toward him “Benjamin Netanyahu, look a bereaved sister in the eyes. You’ve been prime minister for nine years. Don’t turn your back on me. What is there in the grave for nine years? Tzitzit and a bloodied uniform and my brother, whole and beautiful, is wallowing in Gaza. You know exactly where he is. You are guilty, prime minister, your hands bear the responsibility. Judaism and Israelism are our values, what are your values, prime minister? You are abandoning soldiers and civilians.”

Source: msn