ISIL-K planned to attack Indian Mission in Kabul
The ultra fundamentalist ISIL-K had planned to hit the embassies of several countries, including India, to undermine their relationships with the ruling Taliban government in Kabul, said a UN report. India has long viewed the ISIL as an organisation that has also conducted operations at the bidding of Pakistan’s ISI.
Bid to undermine ties
By targeting diplomatic missions, the ISIL-K sought to undermine the relationship between the Taliban and member states in the region. UN report
The ISIL-K had threatened to launch terrorist attacks against the embassies of India, Iran and China in Kabul, said the report.
“The activities of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant-Khorasan (ISIL-K) remained a significant terrorist threat in Central and South Asia, and the group retained ambitions to conduct external operations,” said the 16th report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da’esh) to international peace and security. The report was released on Thursday by Under-Secretary-General of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism Vladimir Voronkov. “By targeting diplomatic missions, it also sought to undermine the relationship between the Taliban and member states in the region. The group also threatened to launch terrorist attacks against the embassies of China, India and Iran in Afghanistan,” the report said.
It said the ISIL-K had positioned itself as the primary rival to the Taliban and wanted to portray the Taliban as incapable of providing security.
Source: tribuneindia