Paris: Woman yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’, making terror threats shot at by cops

Paris: Woman yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’, making terror threats shot at by cops

The Paris counter-terrorism police on Tuesday shot and critically wounded a woman, who allegedly made threatening remarks on a metro train. France has stepped up its anti-terror alert since the fatal stabbing incident at a school on October 13.

The fully-veiled woman was shot at the Bibliotheque Franois-Mitterrand station. Reportedly, the women chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “You’re all going to die” in a metro station, before being shot.

Commuters, who witnessed the incident, said the woman was aggressive and was making “Jihadist” comments. When the police arrived, despite warnings she continued to make aggressive statements, they said.

“The police pulled the woman aside and first asked her to calm down but also to show her hands to show they presented no particular danger,” said government spokesman Olivier Veran.

“What happened then was that law enforcement officers had no option but to open fire on this woman given the danger of the situation,” he said.

The fire service, which provided emergency care for the woman said she was shot in the abdomen, reported Reuters. She was transferred to nearby hospital care.

Police chief Nunez said the woman’s identity was yet to be confirmed. According to French media, the woman had threatened to blow herself up. However, officials said she was unarmed.

Two investigations has been launched, one against the woman and a second into the use of weapons by police.

On October 13, a teacher was killed and two people were seriously injured at a school in northern France, who reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar”.

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