Parents are forced to watch ISIS executioner behead their 14-year-old son
ISIS thugs forced two parents to watch as they beheaded their 14-year-old son for missing Friday prayers, local media has reported.
The terror group, who accused the boy of apostasy, or abandoning Islam, executed him in the northern Syrian city of Jarablus on Saturday.
He is said to have been arrested by ISIS fighters after missing prayers at the central mosque, where fanatical preachers usually deliver propaganda filled speeches.
Local activist Nasser Taljbini told ARA News how the extremists beheaded the boy in front of a large crowd which included his mother and father.
He added: ‘Dozens of people attended the brutal execution, including the victim’s parents who were forced to witness the beheading of their own son.
‘ISIS is trying to prove that it is still powerful despite all the military defeats. The group is trying to terrorize people through conducting such public punishments.’
Kurdish forces bombarded the city, which lies near the Turkish-Syrian border, with artillery shells and mortar fire last month, killing several ISIS fighters.
It is seen as a strategic stronghold for ISIS, who use it to smuggle foreign jihadis into Syria from Turkey.
YPG [People’s Protection Units – a Kurdish militia group] spokesman Nuraddin Gaban said their offensive destroyed an ISIS security centre, a Sharia Court and several military vehicles in Jarablus.
He added: ‘At least 21 terrorists were killed on Monday… We have intensified our military campaign against the terror group in the northern countryside of Aleppo in coordination with the U.S.-led coalition.
‘Jarablus is one of our main targets at the moment… If we retake it, we would be blocking one of the main routes in the face of foreign terrorists who continue to cross from Turkey into Syria in order to join their alleged Caliphate.’
Source: Daily Mail