Hamas uses Palestinian dual-citizens to smuggle money
“Walla” news website reported that Hamas continues to strengthen its infrastructure in the West Bank in light of the information available to the security services. It added that Hamas is attempting to exploit Palestinians with dual citizenship, who can move more easily within the Palestinian territories and abroad.
The same practice is used by other {terror} organizations such as al-Qaeda and ISIS. Hamas assigns these individuals the task of smuggling money into the West Bank, a method which is not new to the movement. The report explained that Hamas currently operates offices across the Middle East and North Africa.
In addition, its cadres are active in every European capital, where they meet with Western diplomats. They are hosted in European research centers sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, enabling the movement to establish a public relations network in the continent. Note that these Hamas offices are being used to transfer money to Hamas operatives in the Palestinian territories.
Source: /Al Jazeera