Pakistan asks Taliban to stop terrorism from their soil
Expressing “serious” concern over terrorism originating from Afghanistan, Pakistan called on the Taliban on Tuesday to prevent the their territory from being used for attacks by terrorist groups, such as the Tehreek-e-Taliban, Pakistan (TTP), against other countries.
Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to United Nations Ambassador Munir Akram told the UN Security Council that recent spike in high-profile targeted killings and bombings, including an attack on the Russian Embassy in Kabul, were a cause for “special concern”.
“In particular,” Akram said, “eliminating the threat posed by ISIL-K that is Da’esh, the TTP, ETIM [East Turkestan Islamic Movement] and IMU [Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan], as well as Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, is of vital importance for Pakistan.”
Speaking in the 15-member Council’s debate on the situation in Afghanistan, the Pakistani envoy said the recent rise in high profile targeted killings and bombings, including against the Russian embassy is a cause for “special concern.”
“Should we fail to provide the necessary and continued long-term economic solutions to the Afghan people and to the authorities in Kabul, there is a risk of anti-Taliban groups, particularly ISIL-K [Da’esh] gaining further strength in the country,” he warned.
“We expect the Taliban will prevent Afghanistan’s territory from being utilised for terrorism against neighbours or any other country,” Akram said, adding that Pakistan would support all sincere efforts to neutralise and eliminate these terrorist groups.
Ambassador Akram said that the role of spoilers — an apparent reference to India — who wished to aid and abet terrorism against Pakistan from the Afghan soil “must also be checked and the terrorist networks they have established must be eliminated in Afghanistan and the region, as Islamabad has a vital stake in peace and stability” of the neighbouring country.
Pakistan, he said, would like to see an Afghanistan that was at peace with itself and the world, and which respected and nurtured all its citizens, without regard to gender, ethnicity and religion.
“A peaceful, prosperous and connected Afghanistan is in our collective interest,” the Pakistani envoy said, pointing out that Pakistan had led the humanitarian efforts to help Afghan brothers and sisters in their present situation.
Akram urged the international community to respond positively to the UN Secretary-General’s appeal for $4.2 billion in humanitarian and economic assistance to Afghanistan and release the country’s financial reserves, held by the United States, to revive its banking system.
Source: tribune.com.pk/