Pakistan arrested five al-Qaeda operatives in a night raid in Punjab province

Pakistan arrested five al-Qaeda operatives in a night raid in Punjab province

The night raid carried out in collaboration with Pakistan Internal Services Intelligence arrested al-Qaida members who coordinated militant operations in the Multan region.

According to the official, Muhammad Imran, the raid in the province of Punjab was carried out in collaboration with the country’s main intelligence agency, the Intelligence of Inter Services.

The suspects arrested Thursday night belong to the active al-Qaida branch in the region, and known as Al-Qaida in the Indian subcontinent, he said, adding that the men directed a media cell for the terrorist network and coordinated its militant operations in the region. .

One of the men arrested was an expert in forged documents, while another specialized in digital media and publications, the official added.

Imran said electronic equipment, weapons and explosive vests were seized in the raid. He said the suspects, who initially had their base in the southern port city of Karachi, but who recently moved to Gujranwala, were also involved in raising funds for al Qaeda.

Al-Qaida founder Osama Bin Laden was killed in a U.S. Navy SEAL operation. UU. In May 2011 in his hiding place in the garrison of the city of Abbottabad, not far from the capital of Islamabad.

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Source: The Media HQ