LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Nayef Amjad Qashou


Born: 1994;

Place of Birth: United States;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: U.S.;

General Info:
Nayef Amjad Qashou from Auburn (Alabama), lied to the FBI about distributing terrorist propaganda and tried to go to Syria to join the Islamic State terrorist group.

Qashou will serve 57 months in prison for making false statements to federal agents during a 2018 terrorism probe.

Authorities said the FBI started monitoring Qashou after getting tips that his behavior indicated he might be interested in joining the Islamic State terrorist group.

Agents suspecting Qashou was sharing propaganda videos questioned him on Sept. 26, 2018, when the suspect acknowledged compiling and distributing educational videos related to Islam.

Qashou told investigators he compiled 37 videos and misrepresented the nature and content of the videos, but the agents later discovered Qashou distributed 115 Islamic State propaganda videos.

He admitted he knowingly lied about the number and content of the videos in order to protect individuals depicted in them and to impede the investigation into his actions.

Qashou had previously traveled to Jordan and attempted to cross into Syria to join the Islamic State, but he was prevented from doing so by Jordanian officials.

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