Muslim convert planned to join ISIS and buy himself a nine-year-old virgin slave girl
A Muslim convert who tried to join ISIS kept a diary detailing how he wanted to buy a nine-year-old slave girl.
In the diary found on his phone Patrick Kabele, from Willesden in north London, also said he had a ‘death wish’ and wanted to die young.
Jurors at Woolwich Crown Court, where the 32-year-old is on trial for a terrorism offence, heard Kabele was stopped as he tried to board a Pegasus Airlines flight from Gatwick to Istanbul, Turkey on August 20 with £3,000 in cash.
Two days before his planned departure, Kabele wrote: ‘1500hrs, u better be at the airport ready to fly. Its happening am sticking to my plans regardless. Be smart out there.’
In the notes on his phone, he also wrote he wanted to buy and marry a ‘nine-year-old virgin, the younger the better’. But he said if he had enough money, he would buy four wives.
He also detailed how he wanted to ‘die young and strong,’ adding, ‘I’ve always fancied myself as a samurai so lets do this s**t right now.’
Kabele was born in Uganda and became a British citizen but told police after his arrest that he did not ‘owe an oath of allegiance’ to the country.
In the entries, beginning in November 2015, he wrote he wanted to ‘de-clutter’ his life before ‘making hijrah’ – emigrating to a Muslim country.
‘My mind is made up. It’s hijrah and no other way. You only do this once type of s**t’ he wrote, adding later: ‘Obviously the goal is to get to the straight and narrow in the lands of Islam.’
Prosecutor Alison Morgan told the jury: ‘You may want to ask yourself where on earth the defendant thought he was going, where he might be able to use money to purchase a young virgin.’
Prior to his planned trip, he had settled a tax bill, paid off his student loan, cancelled his gym membership and repaid his sister £1,100 for a holiday he cancelled.
Ms Morgan told the jury that Kabele’s ‘intentions were plain.’
‘He put his affairs into order before he left, on the assumption that he might never return from this trip,’ she added.
Kabele also wrote: ‘If i ever marry again its gotta be a virgin 9yrs old as what i would want. The younger & experienced the better.
‘I wouldnt rule out a matron to protect my self from the sun till i have the funds for a young virgin. I dont kiss anymore. [sic]’
Last July he wrote: ‘My new and only dua [prayer] till I die, amin, to migrate to the lands of Islam, fight jihad with the sword against the enemies of islam/ die in battle fighting jihad, not to have a long life – I want to die young and strong.’
On August 1, last year, he wrote: ‘Make dua [pray] for ISIS. Ask Allah to rectify their affair as regards suicide and to grant them victory.’
Kabele said he wanted a ‘soldier’s life/adventures and risks’ but acknowledged he ‘might even end up in prison for long long time’ before adding: ‘Hopefully not cause I rather die.’
‘I want to fight on the frontline where there’s the heaviest gunfire/thickest action, I got a death wish but not by my own hand,’ Kabele added on August 5.
The following day, he added: ‘My dua [prayer] stays – to one day migrate/ fight jihad – die on the battlefield.’
Kabele denies preparing acts of terrorism by trying to get to Syria. The trial continues.
Source: Daily Mail