LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF LLL Muhammad Jawad Lutfi

Muhammad Jawad Lutfi

Status: Senior Iranian Quds Force operative in Unit 402, Head of Iran’s Drone Program in Iraq.

Role: He is behind the arming activities of Irani proxy militias in Iraq, by manufacturing and operating UAVs for them.

Sattari potential importance derives from the regime’s importance in the use of drones by the militias in Iraq and Syria.

The essence of Sattari role includes coordination with the Iraqi militias on the issue of drones, and in particular he is responsible for coordinating the supply, armament and training of the militias for the attacks they carry out.

As such, his role is characterized by close work with those pro-Iranian Iraqi militias, such as Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata’ib Hezbollah, and the Badr organization.

In addition, his job requires travel, such as those he has made several times in the past to Iraq (for example, last April) and possibly to Syria as well.

Location: Iran. Frequent travels to Iraq and could be to Syria as well.

Also Known As: Mohammad Sattari

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