Mother was mutilated and murdered by ISIS for breastfeeding her baby in public
A woman has been brutally murdered by ISIS’s female police for breastfeeding her child in public, according to witness reports.
The woman had been breastfeeding her son under the cover of her burqa, in Raqqa, northern Syria when she was spotted by ISIS’s feared women police force; the al-Khansaa Brigade.
Despite shielding herself and the child from public view under her full-veil burqa, the Al-Khansaa Brigade ruled she had been ‘violating public decency’.
‘An ISIS policewoman took the baby, gave it to another woman, and then killed the mother,’ Aisha, a former Raqqa resident now living Turkey, told the Sunday Times.
The mother was reportedly mutilated before she was murdered, according to ISIS-linked social media accounts, where it was proclaimed the victim had ‘violated public decency’
The al-Khansaa Brigade is an all-women militia set up by ISIS just over a year ago and functions as the terror group’s ‘moral police’ in it’s self-proclaimed ‘capital’ Raqqa.
Covered in black from head-to-toe and wielding automatic weapons, the group has been accused of doling out savage beatings on the streets of Raqqa and spying on its citizens.
They are said to mercilessly patrol the streets of the terror group’s adopted capital and has previously declared children as young as nine should be married, women should obey men – who are their masters – and remain ‘hidden and veiled’ at all times.
Among the dozens of British women who have joined the brigade is former radiology student Aqsa Mahmood from Glasgow, who is thought to have reached a senior position in its ranks.
The three Bethnal Green schoolgirls who joined ISIS – two of whom have since been married off to militants – were also feared to have joined the brigade.
A former Al-Khansaa enforcer, Umm Abaid, revealed in a recent Channel 4 documentary, ‘Escape from ISIS’, how she led a normal life until ISIS stormed into Raqqa and imposed its strict interpretation of Sharia law.
She said: ‘I went to school, to coffee shops… but slowly, slowly my husband [a Saudi Arabian ISIS fighter killed in a suicide bomb attack] convinced me about Islamic State and its ideas. I joined the brigade and was responsible for enforcing the clothing regulations.
‘Anyone who broke the rules, we would lash. Then we would take her male guardian, her brother, father or husband, and lash him, too.
‘Even when I was off duty, if I was with my husband in the car and we saw a woman dressed wrong, he would stop and tell me to deal with her.
‘I remember one woman walking with her husband wearing a robe with images on it. We arrested her and took her to the Al-Khansaa base. I lashed her with my own hands.’
Source: Daily Mail