Most wanted terrorist among three killed in Darra Adam Khel IBO

Most wanted terrorist among three killed in Darra Adam Khel IBO

Security forces gunned down a most wanted Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander among three ter­rorists during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) in Dara Adam Khel area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

According to security sources, TTP commander Zafar Khan alias Zaf­ari accompanied by two of his group members were killed in the IBO.

On the night between June 16 and 17, security forces in a highly planned IBO killed TTP com­mander Zafar Khan alias Za­fari son of Ghulam Siddique in Dara Adam Khel and two of his members identified as Hasan Khan son of Moham­mad Imran resident of Bazi Khel and Anas alias Ali res­ident of Nangarhar Afghan­istan. The slain command­er was a resident of village Malan in Dara Adam Khel and reached Peshawar from Nangarhar province of Af­ghanistan on May 22, 2023, said the well-placed sources.

Zafri was also a former member of Tehreek-e-Tali­ban Afghanistan (TTA) and was involved in 26 grenade attacks in Pakistan, it added.

He was also involved in dozens of terrorist attacks against security forces, coal contractors, businessmen and influential people and had received more than Rs100 million in extortion and kidnapping for ransom.

The other slain terrorist, Hasan Khan, was an expert in sniping and grenade at­tacks and remained a part of TTA from 2019 to 2021. He had joined Tariq Gidar group in 2022.

Anas was an sniping ex­pert and involved in terror­ist attacks against security forces in North Waziristan and South Waziristan dis­tricts.

The coal miners, business community and common people of the area breathed a sigh of relief with the elimination of the wanted terrorists.

The security forces would continue their efforts to make the country safe and free from terrorism with the cooperation of the people.

Source » nation