Mohammed Ibrahim Zubair
Born: 1980;
Place of Birth: India;
Gender: Male;
Nationality: Indian;
General Info:
Mohammed Ibrahim Zubair is an Indian citizen who studied engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from 2001 through 2005. He moved to Ohio in 2006 and married a US citizen, becoming a lawful permanent resident of the United States in or around 2007.
Zubair is an Al-Qaeda terrorist, who pleaded guilty to concealment of financing of terrorism . He has been brought back to India on a special flight, and security agencies will question the Al-Qaeda operative after the mandatory quarantine period ends.
The Al-Qaeda operative helped in concealing the provision of thousands of dollars to Anwar Al-Awlaki, a key leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, in an effort to support violent jihad.
The US Justice Department also stated that Zubair joined the terrorist organisation after watching videos of Al Awlaki. And on directions of his brother, he received money from two associates (Sultan Salim and Asif Salim) and deposited it into his brother’s accounts.
According to the US Justice Department, Zubair also tried to hide the high value transactions with his brother by telling authorities that he has sold his car and other stuff to his brother.