LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF LLL Mohammed al-Hindi

Mohammed al-Hindi


Terror organization: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

Status: He is the head of the political bureau of the PIJ and the deputy of Ziyad al Nakhalah.

Role: He was elected to that position in 2018. He is deeply involved in the maintenance of the official relations with Hamas, Hezbollah, and other organizations in the area. Born in Gaza.

Location: Syria


Mohammed al-Hindi is a U.S.-designated senior member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and head of its political bureau.

PIJ elected Hindi as its deputy secretary-general in September 2018. The position had previously been held by Ziad al-Nakhalah, whom PIJ elected as its secretary-general.* At that point Hindi had lived in Turkey for two years. PIJ elected Nakhalah as its secretary-general. Iran reportedly believed Hindi had close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, and feared he would sway PIJ toward a Brotherhood agenda and away from Iran. According to news reports, Iran preferred Hindi serve as deputy leader under Nakhalah.* In March 2023, PIJ elected Hindi as a member of its political bureau.* He has since been reported as the head of the political bureau.*

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