LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img
GFATF - LLL - Mohammad Maroh Kabaha

Mohammad Maroh Kabaha


Born: 1981;

Place of Birth: Palestine;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Palestinian;

General Info:
Mohammad Maroh Kabaha is a Palestinian terrorist who killed the Israeli national Esther Horgen on December 20. Kabaha planned the attack some six weeks in advance. One reason was to avenge the death of his friend Camal Abu Wae’r, a Palestinian prisoner who fell sick and died in jail.

He wanted to carry out a shooting attack against IDF soldiers, and even carried out surveillance of IDF units. However, he eventually dropped that plan when he learned that purchasing a weapon would be too expensive.

Looking for a place to carry out an attack against more vulnerable Israeli civilians, Kabaha went through a hole in the security barrier and found that a number of Israelis took strolls in the Reihan forest.

On December 20, while smuggling cigarettes with acquaintances in the forest near the fence, he left them to pick mushrooms near Tel Menashe, where he spotted 52-year-old Esther Horgen walking alone.

When their eyes met, she tried to run away and scream but he caught her 15 meters away and threw her to the ground, where she hit her head on a rock.

After pinning her body so that she could not resist, he allegedly smashed her head repeatedly with a large rock until she was dead. He then dragged her body a few meters to a more concealed spot to give himself more time to flee before her body was found.

Kabaha then went home, showered, changed his clothes and fled into the hills. The IDF Prosecution has said that Kabaha confessed to the crime, reenacted it, and even helped them locate Horgen’s cell phone that he had tossed aside.

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