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GFATF - LLL - Mohamed Fathy Suliman

Mohamed Fathy Suliman


Born: 1988;

Place of Birth: Florida, United States;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: American;

General Info:
A U.S. citizen has been charged with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. He was recently expelled from Turkey and is now back in the United States.

Suliman is a former resident of Gainesville in the U.S. state of Florida, and reportedly traveled to Turkey in 2014 and attempted to enter Syria illegally to join the Islamic State terrorist group.

With $1,000 in cash, so credit card movements couldn’t be tracked, Suliman allegedly bought a one-way plane ticket to Egypt, but exited the plane in Istanbul and bought a one-way ticket to the Turkish/Syrian border town of Gaziantep, Turkey.

On June 14, 2014, Suliman was arrested by Turkish police for illegally crossing into Syria from Turkey and was detained for 10 days, and his passport was seized. He was fined $2,000 and deported to Sudan.

In 2018, when he and a relative tried to acquire a new passport at the U.S. consulate in Sudan, he said in a recorded interview that he wanted to travel to Syria to meet with members of Islamic State, Al-Nusrah Front, Jaish al-Islam and Jabhah Shamiyah and he “claimed that he wanted to find the truth from each of these groups so he could determine who to support.”

He told embassy officials he didn’t agree with “beheadings and torture” but he was willing to help with English speaking and translation and that he would try to get his father to send money to the extremist groups.

Suliman’s email account contained messages calling for jihad, offering rewards for those who participate in martyrdom, and encouraging fighting against crusaders, non-Muslims and those who insult the Prophet Muhammad.

Also, Suliman’s Facebook account in 2014 displayed an Islamic State profile photo featuring the black flag of the terror group. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

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