2 mercenaries linked to ISIS front-row leaders in SDF grip

2 mercenaries linked to ISIS front-row leaders in SDF grip

The Syrian Democratic Forces said that its special units carried out a security operation in al-Hol district against two wanted men collaborating with ISIS, who were associated with leaders of the first and second ranks of ISIS and facilitated their financing, at a time when the second phase of the “humanitarian and security” campaign continues in the al-Hol camp in the district.

The General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces issued a written statement to the public, confirming that the operation came to support the “Humanity and Security” campaign.

At the beginning of its statement, the General Command of SDF said: “The special units of our forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces, carried out a security operation with the participation of the International Coalition Forces, in the town of al-Hol, adjacent to al-Hol camp, where a security operation is underway to secure it, as it aimed to arrest wanted men collaborating with the terrorist organization “ISIS”.

It added, “The operation that took place in the eastern part of the town of al-Hol, resulted in the arrest of the two wanted men, about whom information was carefully collected, as they were active in facilitating the transfer of funds to and from ISIS terrorist cells in order to finance them, and they are linked to leaders of the first and second ranks in the ISIS terrorist organization.

The statement also confirmed that “the homes of the two arrested ISIS terrorists, as well as their money exchange office, were searched, and equipment, tools and documents in their possession were confiscated.”

Noting that “the new operation aims to dry up the sources of funding for the terrorist organization ISIS, and comes as a support for the “Humanity and Security” operation carried out by the Internal Security Forces (Asayish) with the support and backing of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the International Coalition forces, to secure the al-Hol camp, which is inhabited by tens of thousands of family members. The terrorist organization “ISIS” is of different nationalities.

The Internal Security Forces launched the second phase of the “Humanity and Security” campaign in al-Hol camp, on August 25, with the support of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the People’s and Women’s Protection Units, (YPG-YPJ) with the aim of pursuing ISIS cells and drying up the bloody environment in the camp, where murders escalated in the period preceding the launch of the campaign.

The statement of the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces concluded by saying: “Our forces confirm that these joint operations with the International Coalition increase their determination and determination to prevent terrorist cells from destabilizing north and east Syria, and they will not tolerate them to threaten the civilian population, workers in the Autonomous Administration and members of the security and military forces.”

Source: Hawar News