Malian Soldier killed and five others are wounded in IED attack
A Malian soldier was killed and five others were wounded when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device on a highway in the troubled west African country, the army said Wednesday.
Mali is struggling with an Islamist insurgency that first erupted in the north but has since spread to the center of the country, as well as spilling over into neighboring Burkina Faso and Niger.
The patrol was traveling between the cities of Gao and Mopti on one of the country’s only tarred highways when the explosion occurred early Tuesday, the army said.
Jihadist groups linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State have frequently attacked military camps and planted improvised explosive devices along highways, resulting in civilian and military casualties.
In addition to its own armed forces, the fragile country hosts France’s mission in the Sahel, UN peacekeeping troops, and contingents from a five-nation anti-jihadist group.
Source: Defense Post